experience designer + creative technologist


Who is this guy?


In the context of this website it would be simplest to call me a design guy.


But I’m also a motorcycle guy. Definitely a sandwich guy. But I’ve been a design guy since I was a little kid, so let’s start there.

My interest in design started when I was five years old and my parents got me my first Lego set (which I still have!). So naturally, I studied industrial design for my undergrad at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. After graduating, I worked as an industrial designer, moving up to a senior position at TerraCycle, designing products and experiences that are environmentally friendly and show people how they can be eco-stewards of our planet. I enjoyed working there for five years and the opportunity to not only grow as a human-centered designer but also develop my leadership skills.

I’ve always been a huge tech nerd, I always wished I could live in the Star Wars or Power Rangers world (minus the giant monsters). So, after five years as an industrial designer, I decided I’d like to make a bit of a career leap towards a different sector, and enrolled at Domus Academy in Milan, Italy to obtain my Masters in Interaction Design. There, surrounded by beautiful people and amazing food, I had the opportunity to learn and work with companies like Cisco, A2A Utility, BookRepublic, and more on really cool projects, from augmented reality music education to designing a locally-grown circular food economy.  

It’s important for me to work on projects that solve a real issue. I love looking for and creating hidden little solutions that work so well they don’t even garnish a second thought. I seriously love and appreciate good design — So let’s have fun and do some good work!

He’s very cool!
— Kusum, my mom